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Are Optional College Essays Really Optional?

woman shrugging with question marks in hands
Lisa Albro

Written by Lisa Albroon November 17th, 2023

Lisa Albro brings a wealth of knowledge to College Coach in both secondary and post-secondary education. She served as the Associate Director of Admissions for her alma mater, Goucher College, where she was responsible for recruitment of students from New York, New Jersey and twenty other states. At Goucher, she oversaw the student, alumni and parent volunteer admissions programs. Lisa also served as Director of College Counseling at Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union in West Orange, NJ, and as Director of College Counseling at Xavier High School in Manhattan. Lisa has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Goucher College, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction from Goucher College.

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One might argue that the word “optional” is not open to interpretation, and that it simply means one has a choice. When it comes to the optional essays on college applications, this is sometimes true. But on occasion, it can be better to go the extra mile and take the time to craft a meaningful response for an essay that is not required. I state this cautiously, though, as I know that many applicants worry that they must respond to any and all questions, and will take every opportunity to share as much information about themselves as possible. Let’s take a look at a few common essay prompts that are sometimes listed as optional. A popular one asks applicants to indicate why they’re interested in that particular school and what has led them to apply. Now, for many colleges, this essay question is not listed as optional and must be answered. Note that I’m talking only about the schools that explicitly call this “optional.” This question allows applicants to share details about the offerings at a college that connect with their interests and goals, and can help to assure readers of applicants’ clear and specific reasons for applying. Because this helps give readers a deeper sense of how applicants might fit on their campus, this is a good prompt to answer if you see it as an option. Northwestern University has prompts that are listed as optional, but also highly recommended. It presents applicants with five questions and invites them to answer at least one, but no more than two, that seem to read a lot like “why this school”prompts. Applicants may write about campus culture, interdisciplinary interests, community, location, or diversity of perspectives. Another essay prompt that appears on some applications as a required question, but is often seen as optional for other schools, asks applicants to elaborate on an activity or work experience that is meaningful to them. I like this option for students who sometimes feel limited by the activity section of an application and who might not have any other place on the app to go into depth about one activity that is particularly important to them. This presents applicants with a good opportunity to show readers what motivates them to participate in an activity, and to showcase some of the key accomplishments and personal growth they’ve experienced in that area. Some optional prompts ask applicants to recount a circumstance that affected them, or a way in which they exhibit a talent or skill; others are “slice of life” questions that give applicants opportunities to share something about themselves or their mindset that is unique and interesting, apart from what they’ve already shared in their personal statement. Several optional essay prompts may seem quirky or strange. Sometimes, those may give applicants a glimpse into the vibe of the school itself. If these questions resonate with you, it may be good to answer them: your reader might see a connection between your personality and the culture of the school. When should you not answer an optional essay prompt? If you do not have anything substantial to say about the topic, or if the question does not apply to you at all, these are good reasons to skip an optional prompt. No reader wants to spend time on an essay that essentially tells them nothing. Most optional prompts are simply additional opportunities for applicants to express themselves, and to add further texture to their applications. Take the opportunity to respond to the ones that allow you to highlight any other important connections, accomplishments, beliefs, or views for your readers.
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